Fish puns and jokes can be amusing because they often involve wordplay and use humorous word substitutions or plays on words. Add some levity to a conversation and bring a bit of humor into a person’s day.

Check out our list of friendly and funny fish jokes and puns to share with your spouse, kids, or friends!

Best Fish Puns and Jokes of 2023

Let’s make this o-fish-allI fish upon a star

I’m so so-fish-ticated

What a fish-ous rumor

Fish better have my money!Best fishes on your birthday!

We fish you a merry christmas!

I wouldn’t be cod dead in that

Thank cod you’re here

Cod I borrow something from you?

They say you can tune a bass but you can’t tuna-fish

This pun seems a bit fishy, doesn’t it?We are really on fin ice with this fish pun

Oh, I’m just squidding around!

Would you let minnow what you think of this pun?

Got any jokes? You betta believe it!

O-fish-al puns only

He’s not a baiting man

For heaven’s hake

This cod be the best fish pun of all!My gill-friend says these puns are terrible

That fish was found gill-ty of spreading fish-ious rumors

You could say his behavior was a-trout-cious

She wouldn’t be cod dead participating in any-fin so fishy in a krill-ion years

Walleye don’t know what all the fuss is aboutIt’s not the time or the plaice for fishy jokes

Sharkasm is the lowest form of wit

He never takes responsibility, it’s always salmon else’s fault

Hmm, this guppy is a little fishy

Quick, salmon call a doctor!

Don’t use a loan shark, borrow from the river bank

Slobsters are the laziest fish

What a pain in the bass

Use a strong filter in all your tanks to avoid turtle disaster

Carp-e-Diem is an easy fish pun

Don’t be so shellfish, share these puns with your friends

Cod you hand me that net? Tanks a gillion!

The starfish is the most famous sea creature

The codfather is the top fish boss and the most notorious of the lobsters

Shy fish are always so koi

Fish DJs drop the bass

This is a great oppor-tuna-ty to learn new jokes

Clownfish are my arch-Nemo-sis

Always do your stretches so you don’t pull a mussel

Any reef keeper worth their salt knows that

I’m reeferring to saltwater fish-keepers

Did you know? Most fish occurs between the head and the tail

He did it just for the halibut!

Depressed fish should sea kelp immediately

You don’t need to be a brain sturgeon to get these fishy jokes

These fish jokes are very punny!

It’s getting whaley whaley bad now

There’s something a bit fishy about this seafood restaurant

Did you hear about the guy who ate bad sushi? He got salmonella

All these fishy jokes are giving me a haddock

Take your time, mullet over, and get back to me

The sea is my sole provider

Most fish like their food a little worm

Amateur tetras always get schooled

Most bottom feeders dropped out of school

Fish scales weigh the most

Hair algae is a real pain in the wrasse

With friends like these, who needs anemones?

So-fish-ticated guppies always wear suits and ties

Swordfishes also dress sharply

Elephant fish wear trunks

Let’s get trout of here!

Sit your wrasse down

Fish-keeping is so much fin!

Dear cod, not another fish pun

This pun is a clamity

I can’t take any moray of these eely bad puns

Parasites are rid-ich-ulous

These puns are really krilling me

Caviar is the most roe-mantic food

Starfishes only come out at night

He has more tanks than the militaryOh no the puns are fin-ished