Casual Date Ideas

Casual dates ideas are great to keep your date stress-free, allowing you to focus on your date in a casual setting. They are also a low-stress way to see if there is chemistry and compatibility without the commitment of a long-term relationship. These low-key date ideas can be fun and enjoyable, and they can lead to a more serious relationship if both parties are interested. This isn’t the time to be super active or hop in the car and drive 2+ hours! Want more date ideas? Don’t forget to try our free date idea generator with 500+ date ideas to filter through!

Best Casual and Chill Date Ideas

Netflix and Chill

Choose your favorite show and hangout. (You’ll probably not make it to the end of the show.)

Go to an Arcade

Find an old school arcade or “bar-cade” (arcade with a bar) and play your favorite childhood video games, or skeeball

Read our blog post on how to have a fun arcade date night!

Go to a Concert or Show

Support a local show in your town or city!

Go to a Book Store

Similar to our library date idea, a bookstore allows for easy conversation and you’ll learn more about each others interests.

Simply Get a Drink!

Beer, Coffee, Boba, or Tea — you pick!

Give Your Pet A Bath

Giving your pet a bath can be a fun and lighthearted activity that allows you and your date to work together and have some fun. It can also be a good opportunity to show off your pets and share a common interest in animal.

Go to a Indoor Movie or  Drive-In Theater

When was the last time you went to a drive-in theatre? A drive-in movie date is an easy, casual date.

casual drive in date idea

Teach Each Other Something or Hobby Swap

Does your partner enjoy an odd hobby? Give it a try!

Go for a Bike Ride

Doesn’t matter where! Choose a destination (e.g, ice cream, a good view, shops) to make it feel more like an adventure. 

Hang out in a Two-Person Hammock

If you enjoy spending time outdoors, hanging out in a hammock can be a fun and unique way to enjoy the outdoors.

Cuddle, read books, or listen to music together (the options are endless)

Affordable Casual Date Ideas

Chill-out with these cheap and romantic date ideas.

Play On a Playground

Pretend to be kids again and stop by a playground on your walk home, or if you’re simply walking around!

Watch a Game Show, and Keep Track Of Points

Keeping track of points can add an element of competition to the game show, which can be fun for those who enjoy a bit of friendly competition.

Walk To No Particular Place

Make it a casual date idea and just walk to clear your heads and catch-up. Rehearse some never have I ever questions or truth-or-dare questions to make the walk more interesting. Walking around your neighborhood is a great way to get some exercise, clear your mind, and explore your community. It can also be a good way to meet your neighbors and get to know your neighborhood better.

Find a Beach or Some Sand and Make a Sandcastle

Interested in just going to the beach? Read our list of beach date ideas!

Break A Record

Explore the Guinness Book of Records List for ideas.

Go Donate Blood Together

Find a place to donate blood near you!

Go to Estate Sales Together

Even if you already have a house, pretend you can afford a more expensive house or get inspiration for a room.

Go to a Record Store

These still exist in a lot of cities and will give you a good excuse to buy a record player.

Stay In and Cuddle

Dating an introvert? This is a great date idea to help them stay comfortable at home.

Start a Book Club For Two

If you don’t have time to read a book, graphic novels or short stories are less of a time commitment.

Research Your Local Train and Bus Lines

Find out how far you can travel in your state or town with a ticket.

Babysit Together

Pay it forward for another family member or friend and offer to take care of their child/children for a night.

Make Out In The Backseat of Your Car

Go to The Hardware Store or Do an Errand Together

Going to the hardware store or doing an errand together can be a fun and low-pressure way to spend time together, especially if you choose an errand that is related to a hobby or interest that you both enjoy.

Set Up a Tent in The Backyard and Order Takeout

Setting up a tent in the backyard and ordering takeout can be a fun and relaxed way to spend an evening at home, while buying a bunch of seeds and planting them all around town can be a fun and environmentally-friendly activity that allows you to explore your community and make a positive impact.

Buy a Bunch of Seeds and Plant Them All Around Town

Clean Up The Neighborhood

Cleaning up the neighborhood can be a fun and meaningful way to give back to your community, while praying or meditating together can be a way to connect spiritually and emotionally.

Meditate Together

Go Through Your Old Yearbooks

Looking through old yearbooks can be a fun way to reminisce and learn more about each other’s pasts, while playing Twister can be a fun and active way to spend time together.

Take an Online Relationship Tests

Read our recent blog posts about relationship quizzes or relationship check-in questions for more information!

Wash The Car and Flirt With Each Other

Watch YouTube Videos All Night

Watching YouTube videos all night can be a fun and low-pressure way to spend an evening, especially if you choose videos that you both enjoy.

Go Thrifting or Garage Sale-ing Together

Thrifting or garage sale-ing together can be a fun and inexpensive date idea to spend time together and find some unique items!

Make Each Other Breakfast In Bed

Making breakfast in bed is a sweet and intimate activity, allows you to pamper for your partner.

Buy Some Kites and Go Fly Them

Buying some kites and flying them is an active way to spend time together, especially if you go to a spot with a nice view.

Go Birdwatching

Thisirdwatching can be a fun and relaxing way to spend time together, especially if you both enjoy nature and the outdoors. Find a cheap-ish pair or binocolars and, while you’re on your previous library date, pick up a bird watching book.

At Home Casual Date Ideas

Don’t leave the comfort of your home with these chill, at home date ideas.

Draw Each Other

Drawing each other can be a fun and creative activity that allows you and your date to express yourselves and learn more about each other. It can also be a good ice breaker and help to break the tension if you are feeling nervous.

Organize Your Home Together

Start a Blog Together

Setup a site using the free version of WordPress and choose your design to quickly start a food, fashion, hobby, blog

Take Surveys Together

Taking surveys together can be a fun and low-key activity that allows you and your date to learn more about each other and share your opinions. It can also be a good way to pass the time and keep things light and relaxed.

Read or Kindle Together

Reading or Kindle together can be a great way to spend quality time together and share your interests. It can also be a good way to discover new books and authors, and to have thoughtful and engaging conversations.

Watch Old Homemade Movies

Watching old homemade movies can be a fun and nostalgiciac activity that allows you and your date to share memories and laugh together. It can also be a good way to learn more about each other and your shared interests.

Casual Date Ideas for Foodies

You don’t have to get dressed up to experience new foods at local restaurants, or even leave the comfort of your own home. Browser our chill foodie date ideas.

Cook a New Recipe

Love Indian take-out but intimidated cooking curries? Try this simple veggie curry from Tasty.

Top-Chef Style (e.g., whatever is in your pantry or an unusual vegetable is the main dish)

Make Experimental Food

Make a Meal of Grocery Store Samples

Have a Coffee Date

A coffee date is simple idea but find a coffeeshop where you know you’ll hear eachother.

Grab Drinks at a Bar

Pretty simple idea but go to a spot you know has a chill/casual vibe where you can hear each other.

Have a Beer Tasting

Choose a Theme: Pick one brand or beer, type of beer, or buy those misfit single beers (not in cases) you see at liquor store.

Make Homemade Ice Cream

All you need is cream and condensed milk, or just ripe bananas!

Go to a Korean BBQ

Korean BBQ is rising in popularity because it allows for a fun date experience in a loud and business restaurant. If you haven’t done Korean BBQ yet, make sure to watch some YouTube videos or simply ask your server.

Go to a Wine or Beer Festival

Go to a Food Festival

Attend or Host a BBQ

Make Pizza or Sushi At Home

Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Have a bakeoff to see who can make the most edible or attractive sweet.

Have A Cooking Competition with Whatever Food You Have a Home

Attend a Chocolate Tasting

Get Breakfast and Do a Crossword Puzzle

Go to the dollar store and get a 300 piece puzzle so you don’t spend there all day!

Casual Artys Date Ideas

Hang out together and get crafty or experience your cultural scene with these chill, artsy date ideas.

Practice Yoga

YouTube is a great resource for finding 10-50 minute yoga lessons you both can enjoy.

Get Crafty Together

Stop by your local craft store, hardware store, or simply Amazon a craft kit to door.

Make Music Together And Record It

Don’t have any musical instruments? Get creative with items in your home, or quickly order a few harmonica’s on Amazon.

Go to a Jazz Bar or Play

Attend Stand-up or Late-Night Improv

Stay up later then you normally do and support your local, late-night acts.

Have a Coloring Contest

Having a coloring contest can be a fun and low-pressure way to spend time together and see who has the most artistic skills.

Make Your Own Board Game

Remember trying to make your own game in grade school? Making your own board game for a date night game can be a fun and interactive way to spend time together, especially if you both enjoy games and creativity.

Get Some Coloring Books 

Getting some coloring books and coloring together is aelaxing way to spend time together and de-stress from a long weekday or weekend.

Grab Some Sidewalk Chalk

Playing with sidewalk chalk is a fun and active way to spend time together. You can draw pictures or write messages for each other, or create large-scale artworks on the pavement. 

Buy Some Paints and Canvas and Find a Place to Paint

Read our blog post for how to have a painting date idea at home.

Paint a Room Together

Casual Date Ideas with Another Couple or Friends

Tired of going out to dinner or concerts on weekends? Have a fun time with these chill double or group dates.

Watch a College or High School Sports Game

Watching a college or high school sports game can be a fun and energetic way to spend time together. If you’re looking to save some money, try finding a semi-professional team or find out when the highschool or college near you has local games.

Take a Mini Road Trip to Someplace (Not Too Far Away!)

Taking a mini road trip to someplace not too far away can be a fun and adventurous way to spend time together and explore a new place

Go to the Mall Together

Mall-Rats anyone? Malls can be a casual way to spend time together, especially if you both enjoy shopping or people-watching.

Watch Sunset or Sunrise

Watching the sunset or sunrise can be a romantic and peaceful way to spend time together and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Go to the Animal Shelter

Animal shelter can be a fun and meaningful way to spend time together and potentially adopt a pet!!!

Go to a Hookah Bar

Hookah bar can be a fun and relaxing way to spend time together and try something new.

Have a Picnic Together

Picnics (in good weather) are a fun and intimate way to spend time together while getting out of the house.

Go to a Karaoke Bar or a Bar with a Karaoke Night

Go to Church or a Show Together

Host a Board Game Night

Attend a friend’s game night or hit up a local brewery and play the board games while having a beer.

Casual Date Ideas at Night

Planning a date after 10PM? Check out our late night date ideas.

Play Mini Golf

Watch Netflix/Hulu/Disney+ Together

Cuddle-up together with your favorite streaming platform and relax.

Spa Date Night

Don’t overthink a spa date night at home or support your local spa.

Stay Up All Night Talking

Buy Tickets to a Minor or Major League Game

Go to an Arcade or Video Game Bar

Go Play Pool at a Local Bar

Find a Place You Can Make a Campfire and Smores

Find the Best Happy Hours in Town

Make The Appetizers Your Meal

Attend an Open Mic or Improv Show

Do Some Pub Trivia

Before you go, try to memorize some of our random, lemon jokes, fish puns, or candy jokes.

Find a Craft Beer Bar

Head to nearby brewery and get a flight of their best sours, ales, porters, IPAs, Double IPAs, ect. If you have an animal (and the brewery allows it), bring them along!

Go to a Board Game Café or a Gaming Store

 Need help deciding a board game? Check out a few of recommended date night game ideas.

Find a Cheap Psychic and Get a Reading

These are the places you usually see around town and wonder who goes to them. Give it a try!

Play Video Games Together

This does sounds like one of the worst date ideas 

Romantic Casual Date Ideas

Life gets busy with work, hobbies, pets, ect. Hang out together with these chill, romantic date ideas.

Build Something Together

Plan the Perfect Vacation

Plan a shoe-string or luxurious vacation using blogs or reddit to help build your itinerary.

Talk About Your Future Together

Write Out the Story of How You Met

Plan Your Dream House

Browse Zillow for a primary or vacation home with no budget (or see how much you can get with a small budget).

Write Love Letters To Each Other Than Read Them

Visit Your Hometown and Show Your Partner Where You Grew Up

Have a Spa Night Together

Read our recent blog on how to have a spa date night at home.

Other Casual Dates Ideas

Have an Impromptu 4th Of July Celebration

Pick a TV Show and Have A Marathon

People Watch

Play a Board Game at a Coffeehouse

Browse Through A Record Store

Have a Netflix Double Feature

Or, if they haven’t seen Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, make them watch the whole series.

Get Brunch at a New Restaurant

Buy Some Lego Kits and Put Them Together

Find A Project On Pinterest and Make It Together

Go Foraging For Plants/Berries and Make a Meal

Make a Bucket List

Drive Around Looking For Yard Sales

Create a Mini Book Club

Play an Online Game Together

Remember Sporcle, the online trivia site?

Find a Beautiful Place to Skip Rocks or Watch Sunset

Go to a Dive Bar

Find a dive bar and get competitive over a game of darts, billiards, or shuffleboard.

Get Your Palms Read