Relationship quizzes can provide insight and clarity into the dynamics of a relationship, help individuals find areas of strength and areas needing improvement, and provide roadmaps for working on those areas to strengthen your relationship. Additionally, relationship quizzes help individuals understand their own communication and relationship styles, and can help them navigate conflicts and challenges.

Read our list of our 30 best relationship quizzes below!

Best Relationship Quizzes

Love Language Quiz to determine how you and your partner express and receive love.

The “Love Languages” test is a personality assessment designed to help people understand and identify their own and others’ emotional needs and communication styles in relationships. It was created by Dr. Gary Chapman and is based on the idea that there are five primary “love languages” people use to express and experience love: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, physical touch, and quality time. By identifying your OWN love language and the love language of your partner or someone close to you, you can better understand how to communicate love/affection that is fulfilling to both people. The love language quiz consists of a series of questions that ask you to rate the importance of different ways of expressing and receiving love. The results of the test can help you understand your own emotional needs and how to better communicate and connect with others in your relationships.

Conflict Resolution Quiz to understand how you and your partner handle conflicts

A conflict resolution quiz is a tool assessing your individual’s ability to resolve conflicts and manage disagreement in a constructive/positive manner. This quiz may ask questions about your preferred methods of dealing with conflict (e.g., do you tend to avoid it, confront it directly, or try to find a compromise?). It may also ask about your level of assertiveness, your ability to listen and empathize with others, and your willingness to consider different perspectives. By completing a conflict resolution quiz, you can gain insight into your own conflict resolution style and identify areas for improvement in order to more effectively handle conflicts that arise in your personal/professional relationships.

Relationship Goals Quiz

Understand each other’s vision and goals for the relationship.

  1. How often do you and your partner have meaningful conversations? a) Daily b) A few times a week c) Rarely
  2. How often do you and your partner make time for each other? a) Daily b) A few times a week c) Rarely
  3. How often do you and your partner make an effort to surprise or do something special for each other? a) Often b) Occasionally c) Rarely
  4. How often do you and your partner communicate your needs and feelings to each other? a) Openly and honestly b) Occasionally c) Rarely
  5. How often do you and your partner make an effort to improve your relationship? a) Consistently b) Occasionally c) Rarely


  • Most A’s: Your relationship is in a great place and you are both making consistent effort to improve it.
  • Mix of A’s and B’s: Your relationship is in a good place and you are both making an effort to improve it, but there’s still room for growth.
  • Mostly B’s and C’s: Your relationship may be in need of some improvement, and it’s important to have open and honest communication with your partner about how to move forward.

Values Alignment Quiz 

identify your and your partner’s core values and how they align

  1. How important is family to you and your partner? a) Extremely important b) Important c) Not important
  2. How important is honesty and trust in a relationship to you and your partner? a) Extremely important b) Important c) Not important
  3. How important is financial stability and security to you and your partner? a) Extremely important b) Important c) Not important
  4. How important is personal and professional growth to you and your partner? a) Extremely important b) Important c) Not important
  5. How important is having shared interests and hobbies to you and your partner? a) Extremely important b) Important c) Not important


  • Most A’s: You and your partner have a strong alignment of values and are likely to have a successful and fulfilling relationship.
  • Mix of A’s and B’s: You and your partner have some alignment of values, but there may be some areas where you may need to compromise or find common ground.
  • Mostly B’s and C’s: You and your partner may have some significant differences in values, which may cause conflicts or challenges in the relationship. It is important to have open and honest communication to understand and work through these differences.

Expectations Quiz 

Understand what you and your partner expect from each other in the relationship

  1. How often do you and your partner make plans for date nights? a) Weekly b) Monthly c) Rarely d) Never
  2. How important is physical affection in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important
  3. How do you and your partner handle conflicts and disagreements? a) We discuss and find a compromise b) One person usually gives in c) We avoid the topic d) We argue and raise our voices
  4. How much time do you and your partner spend doing activities separately? a) A fair amount of time b) Not as much as we would like c) Very little time d) None, we always do things together
  5. How do you and your partner handle financial decisions? a) We discuss and make joint decisions b) One person handles the finances c) We don’t talk about it d) We argue about money


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” and “c” answer, and 3 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has high expectations and a strong foundation in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on, but overall have a healthy relationship.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some underlying issues or unmet expectations that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues in their relationship that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Boundaries Quiz

Identify your and your partner’s personal boundaries and how they are respected

  1. How do you and your partner handle personal time and space? a) We have a healthy balance and respect each other’s need for alone time b) I feel like I don’t have enough personal time and space c) My partner often invades my personal time and space d) We don’t have any boundaries for personal time and space
  2. How do you and your partner handle socializing? a) We have a balance and often make plans together with friends and family b) I feel like I have to give up my social life for my partner c) My partner is often controlling and doesn’t let me socialize d) We don’t have any boundaries for socializing
  3. How do you and your partner handle technology and social media? a) We have a balance and respect each other’s privacy b) I feel like my partner is often on their phone or social media and not present c) My partner is often checking my phone or social media without my permission d) We don’t have any boundaries for technology and social media
  4. How do you and your partner handle finances? a) We have a balance and discuss financial decisions together b) I feel like my partner is often controlling with money c) My partner doesn’t include me in financial decisions d) We don’t have any boundaries for finances
  5. How do you and your partner handle disagreements and conflicts? a) We handle them respectfully and find a compromise b) I often feel dismissed or unheard during conflicts c) My partner is often aggressive or dismissive during conflicts d) We don’t have any boundaries for conflicts


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has clear and healthy boundaries in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to boundaries.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some serious issues with boundaries that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with boundaries that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Happiness Quiz

Gauge the level of happiness and satisfaction in your relationship

  1. How often do you and your partner express appreciation and gratitude towards each other? a) Daily b) Weekly c) Occasionally d) Rarely
  2. How well do you and your partner communicate and understand each other’s needs? a) Very well b) Somewhat well c) Not very well d) Not at all well
  3. How much time do you and your partner spend doing activities that bring you joy and happiness? a) A lot of time b) Some time c) Not as much as we would like d) Very little time
  4. How well do you and your partner handle stress and challenges in your relationship? a) Very well b) Somewhat well c) Not very well d) Not at all well
  5. How satisfied are you with the overall happiness and satisfaction in your relationship? a) Extremely satisfied b) Very satisfied c) Somewhat satisfied d) Not satisfied


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has high levels of happiness and satisfaction in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on, but overall are happy in their relationship.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may be experiencing some dissatisfaction and unhappiness in their relationship.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may be experiencing significant unhappiness and dissatisfaction in their relationship and may need to seek professional help.

Appreciation Quiz

Determine how much you and your partner show appreciation for each other

  1. How often do you and your partner express appreciation and gratitude towards each other? a) Daily b) Weekly c) Monthly d) Rarely
  2. How do you and your partner show appreciation and gratitude for each other? a) We regularly express verbal appreciation and gratitude b) We occasionally do small gestures or surprises to show appreciation c) We rarely show appreciation or gratitude d) We never show appreciation or gratitude
  3. How do you and your partner handle compliments or positive feedback from others? a) We share and celebrate each other’s accomplishments and positive feedback b) I feel jealous or resentful when my partner receives positive feedback c) My partner downplays or dismisses my accomplishments and positive feedback d) We don’t acknowledge or talk about compliments or positive feedback
  4. How do you and your partner handle mistakes or negative feedback? a) We discuss and learn from mistakes and negative feedback b) I feel criticized or attacked when my partner points out mistakes or negative feedback c) My partner is dismissive or critical when I make mistakes or receive negative feedback d) We don’t talk about mistakes or negative feedback
  5. How important is appreciation and gratitude in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of appreciation and gratitude in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to expressing appreciation and gratitude.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with appreciation and gratitude that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with appreciation and gratitude that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Partner Support Quiz

Understand how much support you give and receive from your partner.

  1. How much emotional support do you and your partner provide for each other? a) A lot of emotional support b) Some emotional support c) Not as much emotional support as we would like d) Very little emotional support
  2. How well do you and your partner handle and support each other during difficult times? a) Very well b) Somewhat well c) Not very well d) Not at all well
  3. How do you and your partner handle and support each other’s personal and professional goals and aspirations? a) We actively support and encourage each other’s goals and aspirations b) I feel like my partner does not support or understand my goals and aspirations c) My partner is not supportive of my goals and aspirations d) We don’t talk about or support each other’s goals and aspirations
  4. How do you and your partner handle and support each other’s mental and physical health? a) We actively support and take care of each other’s mental and physical health b) I feel like my partner doesn’t understand or support my mental and physical health needs c) My partner is not supportive of my mental and physical health needs d) We don’t talk about or support each other’s mental and physical health
  5. How important is emotional support in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of emotional support in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to emotional support.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with emotional support that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with emotional support that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Partner Respect Quiz

Determine how much respect you have for each other.

  1. How do you and your partner handle and respect each other’s opinions and perspectives? a) We actively listen and respect each other’s opinions and perspectives b) I feel like my partner doesn’t listen or respect my opinions and perspectives c) My partner dismisses or belittles my opinions and perspectives d) We don’t talk about or respect each other’s opinions and perspectives
  2. How do you and your partner handle and respect each other’s boundaries and limits? a) We actively listen and respect each other’s boundaries and limits b) I feel like my partner doesn’t listen or respect my boundaries and limits c) My partner frequently ignores or violates my boundaries and limits d) We don’t talk about or respect each other’s boundaries and limits
  3. How do you and your partner handle and respect each other’s privacy and personal space? a) We actively listen and respect each other’s privacy and personal space b) I feel like my partner doesn’t listen or respect my privacy and personal space c) My partner frequently invades my privacy and personal space d) We don’t talk about or respect each other’s privacy and personal space
  4. How do you and your partner handle and respect each other’s needs and wants? a) We actively listen and respect each other’s needs and wants b) I feel like my partner doesn’t listen or respect my needs and wants c) My partner frequently dismisses or belittles my needs and wants d) We don’t talk about or respect each other’s needs and wants
  5. How important is respect in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of respect in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to respect.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with respect that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with respect that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Affection Quiz

Gauge the level of physical affection in your relationship.

  1. How often do you and your partner express physical affection towards each other? a) Daily b) Weekly c) Occasionally d) Rarely
  2. How do you and your partner express physical affection towards each other? a) We regularly express physical affection through hugs, kisses, and touch b) We occasionally express physical affection c) We rarely express physical affection d) We never express physical affection
  3. How important is physical affection in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important
  4. How do you and your partner handle changes or variations in physical affection? a) We discuss and understand changes or variations in physical affection b) I feel rejected or hurt when my partner’s level of physical affection changes c) My partner is dismissive or unresponsive when I express a need for more physical affection d) We don’t talk about or handle changes in physical affection
  5. How comfortable are you and your partner with expressing physical affection in public? a) Very comfortable b) Somewhat comfortable c) Not very comfortable d) Not at all comfortable


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of physical affection in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to physical affection.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with physical affection that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with physical affection that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Teamwork Quiz

Assess how well you and your partner work together as a team.

  1. How well do you and your partner work together as a team in day-to-day tasks and responsibilities? a) Very well b) Somewhat well c) Not very well d) Not at all well
  2. How well do you and your partner support and rely on each other during challenges and difficulties? a) Very well b) Somewhat well c) Not very well d) Not at all well
  3. How do you and your partner handle and divide household chores and responsibilities? a) We have a fair and equal division of chores and responsibilities b) I feel like I do the majority of the household chores and responsibilities c) My partner does the majority of the household chores and responsibilities d) We don’t have a clear division of household chores and responsibilities
  4. How do you and your partner handle and make important decisions together? a) We discuss and make important decisions together b) I feel like my opinions and input are not considered in important decisions c) My partner makes important decisions without consulting me d) We don’t have a clear process for making important decisions together
  5. How important is teamwork in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important


1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of teamwork in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to teamwork.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with teamwork that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with teamwork that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Compromise Quiz

Identify how much you and your partner are willing to compromise for each other.

  1. How well do you and your partner handle and resolve conflicts and disagreements? a) Very well through compromise b) Somewhat well through compromise c) Not very well, one person usually gives in d) Not well, conflicts and disagreements are not resolved
  2. How do you and your partner handle differences in opinions and preferences? a) We find a compromise that works for both of us b) I often give in to my partner’s opinions and preferences c) My partner often gives in to my opinions and preferences d) We don’t handle differences well and it causes conflicts
  3. How do you and your partner handle and make compromises in important decisions? a) We discuss and make compromise in important decisions b) I feel like my opinions and input are not considered in important decisions c) My partner makes important decisions without considering my input or compromise d) We don’t have a clear process for making compromise in important decisions
  4. How do you and your partner handle and compromise in financial decision? a) We discuss and make compromise in financial decisions b) I feel like my opinions and input are not considered in financial decisions c) My partner makes financial decisions without considering my input or compromise d) We don’t have a clear process for making compromise in financial decisions
  5. How important is compromise in your relationship? a) Extremely important b) Very important c) Somewhat important d) Not important


  • For questions 1-4, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.
  • For question 5, give 1 point for each “a” answer, 2 points for each “b” answer, 3 points for each “c” answer, and 4 points for each “d” answer.

Score Summary:

  • A score of 5-8 points indicates that the couple has a strong culture of compromise in their relationship.
  • A score of 9-12 points indicates that the couple has some areas to work on when it comes to compromise.
  • A score of 13-16 points indicates that the couple may have some issues with compromise that need to be addressed.
  • A score of 17 or higher indicates that the couple may have significant issues with compromise that need to be addressed with the help of a professional.

Communication Style Quiz

Kdentify your and your partner’s communication patterns

Trust and Honesty Quiz

Assess the level of trust and honesty in your relationship